Yukan (the original series) books

The original Jukan Series in its first two thirds (soon to become PD in 2028 for most nations) 

Yukan the Fearless 
Danish: Jukan Den Frygtløse
After his caboclo father and fair haired mother passed away, a tri-racial boy named Yukan was raised by various wild animals in the Amazonian lands bordering both Mato Grosso and Rondonia together. He grew up there before accidentally encountering three thirsty explorers. 

Yukan, the Puma’s Brother
Danish: Jukan, Pumaens Broder 
Jukan and his puma companion Moacir meet a motley of wary tribespeople, themselves fleeing from a looming rubber boom underway. 

Yukan in the Great White City 
Danish: Jukan I Den Store Hvide By
Along with a trio of antagonistic treasure hunters, Yukan is on a race to encounter a Great White City in the jungles of southern Brazilian Amazonia. 

Yukan in the Kingdom of the Giants
Danish: Jukan I Giganternes Rige
Jukan, Moacir, Mr. Donald Kelly and Mr. Daniel Kingsley are on a hunt to find a Kingdom of the Giants in the jungles surrounding the Brazilian-Bolivian border. 

Yukan in Rio de Janeiro 
Danish and Swedish: Jukan I Rio De Janeiro
Yukan is in Rio de Janeiro with a lively British scientist named Mr. Kingsley. 

Yukan and the Gold Volcano
Danish: Jukan Og Guldvulkanen 
Yukan encounters a volatile volcano while exploring with Daniel Kingsley. 

Yukan in Nuke Island 
Danish: Jukan På Atom Øen 
Along with Mr. Kingsley and Moacir the puma, Yukan is fighting for survival in the mysterious Nuke Island. 

Yukan in the Land of Mists
Danish: Jukan I Tågelandet
Yukan and Mr. Kingsley are kidnapped by a medley of hungry prehistoric people trying to survive a famine.  

Yukan in the Underground Kingdom 
Danish: Jukan I Riget Under Jorden
Yukan and Daniel Kingsley are questioning the existence of an Underground Kingdom that they haven’t seen before. 

Yukan’s Adventures in a Kelp-Ridden Sea 
Danish: Jukans Eventyr I Sargassohavet
Yukan will go on a mysterious Indian Ocean adventure where no one would go before.  

Yukan and the Air Pirates
Danish: Jukan Og Luftpiraterne
Yukan fights a bunch of villainous air pirates in an amazing battle! 

Yukan and the Desert Riddle 
Danish: Jukanen Og Orkenens Gåde
With Mr. Kingsley, Yukan is in a part of the Sahara desert filled with mysterious intrigue. 

Yukan’s Return 
Danish: Jukans Tilbagevenden
Yukan returns to his Rondonia/Mato Grosso border homeland while looking out for pirates and robbers alike. 

Yukan in South Atlantis 
Danish: Jukan I Syd Atlantis
Yukan visits the older part of Meyn and Hauptmann’s own Atlantis, simply named South Atlantis due to being influenced by regionally indigenous Brazilian cultures. 

Yukan and the Rainforest Enigma 
Danish: Jukan Og Urskovens Gåde
Yukan meets a medley of antagonists fiercer than the ones that he has met before. 

Yukan and the Nuke Rocket 
Danish: Jukan Og Atomraketten
Yukan goes to Mars, kills some its Terran-descended lizards and battles the most influential members of its naturalised cryptid ‘giant monster ant’ diaspora, themselves refugees from the vulnerable southeast Brazilian Amazon.

Yukan in Stanley’s Footsteps
Danish: Jukan I Stanleys Fodspor
Yukan travels through the jungles of North Kivu in northeastern Congo Kinshasa. 

Yukan in Venus 
Danish: Jukan I Venus 
Jukan goes to Venus for a solar system expedition gone horribly wrong! 

The posthumous final two (soon to be released in 2028)

Yukan and the Mercurian Invasion
Danish: Jukan Og Den Mercurske Invasion
Yukan sees a majority of the currently Martian-based wildlife (who haggled him in Jukan and the Nuke Rocket) on the verge of tragically dying out thanks to breathing too much Martian dust. Also not helping is that oodles of elemental aliens from Mercury are temporarily invading the planet just to charge up following a harsh climatic event that killed off their towns. 

Yukan in North Atlantis
Danish: Jukan I Nord Atlantis 
Yukan visits a pen pal in the northern ‘inner empire’ of Meyn and Hauptmann’s Atlantis. But as Mr. Daniel Kingsley leaves him behind, the hero has to say goodbye to him before departing for his native UK, as it’s now clear that the hero has a lot of other friends to contend with.

The Sequel Series (soon to be released in 2029-2032) 

Yukan and his aunt Zoe
Danish: Jukan Og Hans Tante Zoe  
Yukan meets his scatterbrained, surviving paternal Aunty Zoe, who takes him to a grisly rubber yard where their fellows have long been mistreated and underpaid by scummy higher ups! A minor character named Yandira escapes with Yukan and Zoe from the biggest horrors they have ever encountered in their lives. 
Yukan and Yandira in the Ratanaba Plains 
Danish: Jukan Og Jandira På Ratanaba-Sletten
Yukan investigates an area once teemed with actual dinosaurs in what are now called the Ratanaba plains of Mato Grosso. Meanwhile, being stranded from Yukan’s dad’s birth village, Yandira finds her way into the plains by going undercover. 

Yukan and the wrath of Tupan 
Danish: Jukan Og Tupans Vrede
Before a village fishing hunt will begin, Yukan and Tupan are forced to wrestle each other in a mighty jungle contest, while Yandira tries to loot a ton of money from a scummy agro-logging magnate.

Yukan’s Cursed Family Tree! 
Danish: Jukans Forbandet Stamtræ! 
As Yukan prepares for a series-ending wedding to a woman named Mani, he finds out about the really disgusting origins to both sides of his immediate birth family. 

Yukan and Mani versus Rak 
Danish: Jukan Og Mani Mod Rak 
Yukan and his girlfriend Mani swing through the jungles of Mato Grosso while the sneaky Rak is planning to electrocute their souls. 

Yukan and the Risky Wedding 
Danish: Jukan Og Risikabelt Bryllup
In the midst of another rubber boom costing the lives of many natives, Yukan and his betrothed Mani are finally relieved that they’re getting married. 


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