
Showing posts from March, 2023

Tarzan in Russian Musicals

It’s time to introduce what is likely the most faithful recent theatrical play adaptation of Tarzan. Do bear in mind that Tarzan: A Love Story is clearly based on the best moments of the first Tarzan book and has an exclusive character in a detective named Mrs Hudson.  Being a Pokolenie production, there isn’t a gorilla outfit nor a chimp costume to be seen there, but the people in crude Mangani costumes are clearly in this outrageously hard partying musical! Even more interestingly, Tarzan: A Love Story is basically a joyful mess, in spite of featuring a few pale skinned Russian actors and actresses as stereotypical characters of African descent.  The musical’s producers are overworked Gen X and Millennial fanboys of the Tarzan books when they fully returned to Russia at the end of its Soviet Union period, just after 65 years of its infamous shadow-ban. Their rap and rock-infused writing is both enchantingly useful and pretty wacky at the same time.  Konstantin Skripalev...

A comparison of artworks

Here is a comparison of artworks 

Yukan (the original series) books

The original Jukan Series in its first two thirds (soon to become PD in 2028 for most nations)  Yukan the Fearless  Danish: Jukan Den Frygtløse After his caboclo father and fair haired mother passed away, a tri-racial boy named Yukan was raised by various wild animals in the Amazonian lands bordering both Mato Grosso and Rondonia together. He grew up there before accidentally encountering three thirsty explorers.  Yukan, the Puma’s Brother Danish: Jukan, Pumaens Broder  Jukan and his puma companion Moacir meet a motley of wary tribespeople, themselves fleeing from a looming rubber boom underway.  Yukan in the Great White City  Danish: Jukan I Den Store Hvide By Along with a trio of antagonistic treasure hunters, Yukan is on a race to encounter a Great White City in the jungles of southern Brazilian Amazonia.  Yukan in the Kingdom of the Giants Danish: Jukan I Giganternes Rige Jukan, Moacir, Mr. Donald Kelly and Mr. Daniel Kingsley are on a hu...

The SQENIX bunko MP Shankar verse

The SQENIX bunko MP Shankar verse  Tiger Boy  The Wolf Fanged Boy: 34 light novels, mostly consisting of a rather thick plot involving poachers, cryptids and the like.   Misty Splendour: 13 light novels, mostly consisting of anthologised short stories blending into a spinoff plot.  The titular main story: 26 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls and some dramedy, set after Misty Splendour. Monsoon Alert: 13 light novels, mostly consisting of an eventual crossover between The Wolf Fanged Boy and Tiger Boy.  The Himalayan Mists: 8 light novels Kenya Boy Chintu the Wild Youth: 36 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls and some adventures. From Japan to Kenya: 14 light novels, mostly consisting of short stories.  The titular main story: 28 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls, some adventures and some dramedy.  Jungle Hunt: 21 light novels, mostly consisting of some black comedy, some bra...