A future Ki-Gor revival

The legendary Ki-Gor franchise currently survives mostly in reprints and is in a desperate need of an onscreen adaptation. The stories are becoming public domain within the next few decades for both Australia and the European Union, plus Nigeria and Japan. Ki-Gor is himself trademarked by his current rights holder. 

The underground OEL manga soon to be adapted from it will have both a stronger canon and a continuity more consistent than that of previous iterations. 

Given how fantasy driven the book series is, a future manga adaptation will have its own different continuity for legal reasons. Ki-Gor himself is an errand in this variant, while Carmen becomes a spy. Unlike in the novels, which have a surprisingly bad case of webcomic time, they simply leave the East African subcontinent for the helluva Catholic republic of Ireland, which still tries to move on from colonial British rule to this day. 

Do bear in mind that fellow jungle themed characters from Fiction House are also in a crap ton of legal limbo, which means that only the various characters under the Sheena legacy name have just a few consistent owners, and that’s it.


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