Toshihisa Sajiro Congolian Frontier

Deep In The Eastern Congolian Frontier 

A Salgari style adventure series about a nature hero born in Tokyo’s northeast side. His father, a disengaged salaryman, met a brunette prostitute and both had a baby boy, who then got orphaned in a tsunami. After coming to what was then the Belgian Congo, his scientist uncle and aunt were kidnapped by terrorists torturing both natives and expats alike. Thus, he was found by a bunch of gorillas in the wild, and the gorilla granny took him in.

The boy learns a lot throughout the years of his childhood, while trying to live largely on the fruits, nuts and foliage in the rainforest. He doesn’t care that he’s a human, he’s still trying to survive like any other animal in the wild. 

The young man lets both his uncle and aunt return to Tokyo, only for him to be shunned by his birth society, which suggests that the jungle is his true homeland. Finally, he becomes a gardening guy who rescues a mutinied former lackey, teaching her the skills he has learnt and still learns from his adoptive family of gorillas, before returning fully to Tokyo with her as his newfound wife. 

The Tsunami Baby
Japanese (津波の赤ちゃん) 
Prologue Part One - The story begins when the hero was a baby whose parents were killed by a tsunami. Months after his birth parents die in a tsunami, he is adopted by Grauer's gorillas in the swamp after his uncle and aunt are mutinied and imprisoned by their corrupt companions in a dormant medieval kingdom city. Then he bonds strongly with his adoptive gorilla grandmother.

A Wild Child Settles Down 
Japanese (野生児が落ち着く) 
Prologue Part Two - Three years after his uncle and aunt were mutinied and imprisoned, the hero is a young boy who lives next to cryptic ape-men, who become annoyed by his screaming. Whoever is brought forward by a gorilla grandmother, who adores him in a nest. During that time, he learns to play tricks on other animals. The story continues when the little boy is trying a new food with his gorilla grandmother in the wild.

A Wild Child Makes Friends 
Japanese (野生児が友達を作る) 
Prologue Part Three - In the jungle, there's a boy who befriends chimpanzees, who play together while he climbs trees and who sometimes fights with olive baboons and other animals. During that time, he learns to beat his chest. A boy and his adoptive gorilla grandmother do their best to survive in Kahuzi Biega. They have to move to a safer but more isolated location in the rainforest, which is not without its challenges.

A Wild Boy’s Antics 
Japanese (野少年の悪ふざけ) 
Prologue Part Four - The hero is a pre-adolescent boy who beats his chest, plays pranks on other animals and who sometimes comes to the savannah to fight lions and leopards. Because his gorilla grandmother is killed by a terrorist, the preteen boy must stop to defend himself while running away from a flock of agricultural loggers. Being a cheeky boy, he beats his chest and builds a nest on his own in defiance of the creature traffickers.

A Wild Boy Saves the Day 
Japanese (野少年が窮地を救う) 
Part One - In the rainforest, there's a teenager who lives with his gorilla older brother, who is now a silverback leading his group since his papa left behind. He then begins to befriend the cryptic ape men who were annoyed by his yelling when he was younger and eventually befriends some natives who see him, having fled a cultural conflict in the nearby village.

A Mysterious Kingdom City in The Eastern Congolian Frontier 
Japanese (コンゴ東部国境の謎の王国都市) 
Part Two - A teenager (later a young man) raised by Grauer's gorillas, who rests, beats his chest and swings between trees in the jungle/rainforest of Kahuzi Biega. Because he is autistic and partially deaf like his birth parents, he primarily uses sign language to communicate. As he meets new human friends, he becomes intrigued by a shipment of other abandoned humans and discovers that his uncle and aunt have been imprisoned in a city in a sleepy medieval kingdom taken over by foreign terrorists.

A Wild Teenager Arrives in Tokyo 
Japanese (野生の青年が東京に到着) 
Part Three - A Japanese youth arrives in Tokyo, only to be shamed by society. During his short stay in Tokyo, his uncle and aunt were reunited with their two sons, while their dog was buried in a cemetery. He then rests and beats his chest in a park near Tokyo until a ship arrives to pick him up nearby. After he exits the ship, he sneaks onto a plane flying to the eastern Congolian border. He then escapes from poachers and is reunited with his adoptive gorilla family in the Kahuzi Biega rainforest.

The Rebuilding of A Kingdom City 
Japanese (王国都市の再建) 
Part Four - Two years after reuniting with his adoptive gorilla family in the Kahuzi Biega rainforest, a wild man single-handedly fights an army of foreign terrorists and reluctantly befriends more of the natives who live there, letting them return to the city in their kingdom when the terrorists are gone. Although his adopted homeland is still threatened by mining, poaching, and agricultural logging, he is now safe from terrorists as the natives rebuild parts of their city kingdom.

A Wild Rainforest Man is filled with Joy 
Japanese (野生の熱帯雨林の男は喜びに満たされる)
Part Five - In the jungle, the hero is a wild man who lives as a bachelor, so he builds a tree house to live near Grauer's gorillas and forest elephants. As he becomes satisfied and full of joy, he screams and beats his chest in the Kahuzi Biega rainforest as he finally finishes building a tree house and finally starts growing a vegetable garden by picking fruits and vegetables on his own.

A Wild Rainforest Man and his Newfound Wife 
Japanese (野生の熱帯雨林の男と彼の新しい妻) 
Part Six - The hero is a man who hunts for fish and meat and makes a garden of vegetables and fruit. He saves a woman abandoned by domestic and foreign terrorists. He teaches her to swing between the trees, while she can save herself from the most dangerous animals. She slowly falls in love with him as they both live together in their tree house and later get married. They eventually return to Tokyo to remain a married couple.


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