Deep In The Eastern Congolian Frontier A Salgari style adventure series about a nature hero born in Tokyo’s northeast side. His father, a disengaged salaryman, met a brunette prostitute and both had a baby boy, who then got orphaned in a tsunami. After coming to what was then the Belgian Congo, his scientist uncle and aunt were kidnapped by terrorists torturing both natives and expats alike. Thus, he was found by a bunch of gorillas in the wild, and the gorilla granny took him in. The boy learns a lot throughout the years of his childhood, while trying to live largely on the fruits, nuts and foliage in the rainforest. He doesn’t care that he’s a human, he’s still trying to survive like any other animal in the wild. The young man lets both his uncle and aunt return to Tokyo, only for him to be shunned by his birth society, which suggests that the jungle is his true homeland. Finally, he becomes a gardening guy who rescues a mutinied former lackey, teaching her the skills he h...