The story of Norakuro and his family
It’s really hard to believe it, but Norakuro was one of the first Shōnen and Seinen manga protagonists who grew up with his intended audience. Which also means he is one of the main reasons why Shōnen and Seinen aimed mangas are still with us even today. Norakuro as a franchise is usually more popular in its native Japan than anywhere else, even though each one of its two major anime adaptations is a cult classic in countries like Italy and India. The franchise is currently owned (in an unexpected twist) by the Yamane Twins estate because its creator Suiho Tagawa passed away at 90 near Christmas 1989. The surviving twin owns the franchise because he and his slightly older brother adopted it from the dying manga grandmaster. As with the works made by Osamu Tezuka when he was alive, Suiho Tagawa’s own works are on the process of becoming public domain in 2040 for Peru, 2050 for India and 2060 for much of the world including Japan and Australia. But the character, or more accur...