The SQENIX bunko MP Shankar verse

The SQENIX bunko MP Shankar verse 

Tiger Boy 
The Wolf Fanged Boy: 34 light novels, mostly consisting of a rather thick plot involving poachers, cryptids and the like.  
Misty Splendour: 13 light novels, mostly consisting of anthologised short stories blending into a spinoff plot. 
The titular main story: 26 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls and some dramedy, set after Misty Splendour.
Monsoon Alert: 13 light novels, mostly consisting of an eventual crossover between The Wolf Fanged Boy and Tiger Boy. 
The Himalayan Mists: 8 light novels

Kenya Boy
Chintu the Wild Youth: 36 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls and some adventures.
From Japan to Kenya: 14 light novels, mostly consisting of short stories. 
The titular main story: 28 light novels, mostly consisting of some character role calls, some adventures and some dramedy. 
Jungle Hunt: 21 light novels, mostly consisting of some black comedy, some brachiating and some gore. 


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